Personal & Home Applications
Hiving Technology > Applications > Personal & Home Applications
Hive One ID™ enables many personal and home applications that revolve around the identity holder and the environment where they live and work. Have a look at some of the areas where the Hive One ID™ can benefit your business. Once you understand what is possible you will see many additional areas where One ID technology can be used in your home and personal life.
Data Security and Privacy
The technology evolution and the resulting mass digitisation that occurred over the last years has undoubtedly highlighted the privacy and security vulnerabilities associated with the way we use technology. A dilemma that has been a concern to experts in the field since the 1970s, leading to the concept of Self-Sovereign Identity (SSI), a model where an individual or business own and manage their personal data. Distributed Ledger Technology with Hiving Technology's patented identity technology made it possible to create the first end-to-end Decentralised Self-Sovereign Identity (DSSI) solution. A solution that allows individuals or businesses to manages the collection of personal data and control with who and where personal data is shared while keeping security and privacy intact.
Authentication and Credential Management
Biometric technology continues to evolve as the threat of digital fraud and phishing scams increase. Unimodal biometric systems provide a good security layer. Still, they are often susceptible to fraud and theft. Facial recognition is probably the most talked-about with massive growth predictions. Facial recognition, although very practical, will have a significant negative impact on privacy as it does not require the permission of the person that is recognized. The Hive Decentralised Self-Sovereign Identity (DSSI) solution enable identity holders to protect their biometrics, and authentication is done against trusted biometrics managed in the DSSI solution.
Home Automation
Hive One ID™ is ideal for incorporating in home automation solutions. Every person that lives in the dwelling can be identified and their specific preferences for lighting and temperature and more applied. Because the One ID is wireless, the home automation systems can respond as the person moves through the home. When the identity holder leaves the home lighting, cooling or heating and geysers can automatically switch off to conserve energy. One ID technology in devices (IoT) can integrate and secure these devices into the home system instead of transferring the data directly to providers. The owner can then decide how to act on-device alerts, keeping home data private and secure.
Home Security
Hive One ID™ technology enables always-armed security solutions. Because the inhabitants are identified, the security system can remain armed, ignoring people with approved identities. Intruders will still be detected, and an alarm will be triggered based on the fact that the person either does not have an ID or the ID is not approved. One ID's can integrate with the door locks and home access control systems. Home assets and the devices can be managed and tracked using the same technology.
Asset and Device Management
Hive One ID™ is ideal for securing and managing an asset. Assets can either be manufacture with a Hive One ID™ or retrofitted by the owner. As soon as the asset is registered, the movement of the asset will automatically be updated on the system. In Smart Cities, where the reader infrastructure are spread through the city, stolen assets can be tracked and located. Hive One ID's can be equipped with sensors that enable the ID's to monitor movement, vibration, temperature and more. All the asset and device data collected will update the primary identity holder's Decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity data set. The identity holder will decide what of the data to make available to service providers on either a permanent of a case by case basis.
Personal Finance
Hive One ID™ Decentralized Self-Sovereign Identity solution enables the identity holder to collect more detail financial information than is currently possible. When purchasing with a One ID, it does not only facilitate the payment transaction but provide the retailer with an IP address where the detail about the purchases can be transferred to. With more authenticated detail information, most financial and accounting requires can be handled automatically and record-keeping of purchase information for product warranties are automatically available.
Family & Dependants
Self-Sovereign Identity means that individuals manage and control their personal data. The question immediately springs to mind about who manages the data on behalf of minors and elderly members of society. Hive One ID™ allows the identities of children and elderly member of the community to be managed by a parent or a nominated person in the case of older adults who can not control their affairs. The minor or older person can still maintain some of their daily interaction, depending on the permission granted by the responsible identity holder.
Personal Health & Medical
Hive One ID™ can secure all your medical and health information, automatically collecting the data with every health, fitness, or medical-related interaction, creating a secure single medical record. Should you visit a medical practitioner, the practitioner, you give the practitioner access to your medical and health history. Once the practitioner made a diagnosis, they add the diagnosis to your medical history with appropriate treatment or medication. This data is available for you to share with other medical practitioners. When you go to the pharmacy to collect your prescription, you need your One ID to give the pharmacist access to open prescriptions. You can set your One ID preferences to share your medical invoices automatically share with your medical insurance company.
Shopping and Retail
Hive One ID™ enables a highly personalized retailer experience. The Identity holder can join retail reward and loyalty programs on the fly by making relevant data via a smart contract available to the retailer. The smart contract provides the retailer with the personal and retail preference data and also the rules on how the data may be used, when it should be deleted, and more. As the identity holder walks through the shopping mall, the identity holder will receive relevant information according to his or her preferences. Shoppers can also make data available to the shopping mall about something they want to buy. The mall can then provide them with detail about which stores have stock and the price it is available at, creating an online shopping experience in a physical shopping mall. The One ID can also be used to pay for shopping while uploading detail about purchases tho the identity holders personal data store.
The Hive One ID™ can be used to activate leisure services similar to preference driven services in the retail environment. The One ID can provide access to facilities, connect people at events or theme parks if they permit you to see where they are or recommend an itinerary that matches your preferences. Restaurants and hotels can identify you with your permission and then use your predefined preferences to serve you accordingly at every step of the process from booking to final payment and checkout.
Digital Communication
Connecting physical and digital identity is required to create digital trust. Currently, people have more than one digital identity that is not in any way connected to a real person. People often create multiple digital personas for different purposes. Because these personas are not linked to a real person, the person can't be held responsible for digital actions and are thus not trusted. Hive One ID™ provides a single physical and digital identity that ensures that all physical and digital actions are linked to a real person.
Pets and Animals
The Hive One ID™ non-intrusive wireless architecture makes it ideal for animal tracking. Whether you want to track pets, domestic livestock or endangered species, the One ID's flexible, easy to install wireless architecture can be configured according to the owner's requirements. Animals are linked like assets to the owner. The One ID can be housed in an enclosure suited to the animal the owner want to track.